Why Brunch Is the Best Way to Get a Buck's Party Weekend Going

Posted on: 26 February 2018

If just the one buck's night isn't enough for you and your group of closest friends, you might be considering arranging a whole weekend of activities. Choosing this route means your options are almost unlimited, as there are all manner of things you could squeeze into two or three days and nights, whether they're traditional or totally unique.

There's one way all buck's weekends should start, though, and that's with a meal. Not just any meal, either. If you want to get your weekend off to the best possible beginning, meet for brunch before you do anything else. And here's why.

It's just the right time

You could start with a nice big breakfast, but who wants to get up early enough for that? You could also begin the weekend with lunch or dinner, but by then a big chunk of the first day is already gone.

Brunch is the ideal time to get started, giving everyone a lie-in and a relaxed start to the day, but with plenty of time left to cram in some more activities before everyone passes out.

You can eat something relatively healthy

Any other food you consume during the weekend is likely to be of the less-than-healthy variety, with buck's parties often revolving around delicacies like pizza and burgers. If you start with brunch, you'll at least have something healthier to begin with, so it won't matter quite so much what you eat the rest of the time.

It will fill everyone up

As the weekend gets going, there's very likely to be some alcohol involved. If that's the case, you want to make sure the whole group has full bellies to stop drunkenness happening too quickly.

With brunch being such a filling, casual meal, people will eat until they're very full indeed, lining their stomachs nicely for the booze ahead.

It gets the conversation going

There might be people in the buck's party group who haven't seen one another for a long time, or perhaps who have never met at all.

Sitting down for a relaxed brunch is a great way to break the ice and get the conversation flowing, so everyone will be in great spirits before the fun begins.

You might still be able to have a drink

With quite a few brunch places serving morning classics like mimosas and bloody Marys, you can get the party started with a nice drink or two if you want.
